The Battle Waged


The chill hangs lightly in the air
A memory of a great battle waged
For months the frost has attacked
With its wintery daggers
And chilling screams
The sun…fighting back
Allowing the growth of spring
Promises of greener summers motivate
The battle has been waged
And the tables turn
The sun has the edge
Cutting off the head of the cold
Scattering the chill across the lands
Today, only a vague memory of the cold remains
The sun has won the day



I have been thinking
About writing a Haiku
Here is one for you

A giant pain in my side
Quit bugging me, now

Shorts are on my legs
The sun is shines in the blue sky
This day is greatness

My journey is long
But each step follows another
I walk, From The Fog

Video game persona
A painless version of me
It is my escape

Writing frees the mind
Allowing freedom from the
Darkness that clouds thoughts

Fibro Fighters unite
Let us speak as one, loud voice
Awareness is now

Mornings are for mourning

I really used to love sleep. I loved the feeling of crawling into a warm bed, when the cold is still hanging slightly in the air. The feel of my wife cuddled up to me, as we drift off to sleep and prepare for another beautiful morning and a fantastic day. I would wake up and shake the grog from my James Bond prepares a martini.

That was before Fibro. Now I despise my bed, and the sleep associated with it. I am in a constant battle with my body regarding sleep. Some nights the insomnia keeps me up way to late, while other nights I’m crippled by my Chronic Fatigue and can barely hobble off to bed before I go narcoleptic in the hallway. I am at a point where I do not dare go to bed, until I am completely exhausted. If not, I run the risk of laying in bed for too long and having the pain set in before I can drift off. When this occurs I am forced back up and out of bed anyways, to try and stretch or find a more comfortable position.

So once I get to bed, cat cuddled and fall asleep…I have the mourning to contend with. Let me say, that most of my day is spent bouncing between the couch and office chair. I am always trying to move or stretch because any lingering in one position will tighten my body. Sooooo, mo(u)urning comes and I am set back to 0 again. Another day begins with my body locked up like Ft Knox. I do some light cat yoga to attempt to limber up, and I make my way (sslloowwllyy) to the living room to start the day anew.

The last day and a half have been Fibro hell. A full flare kicked me yesterday as I woke up. If it wasn’t for getting my wife to and from work, it would have been a ‘home all day’ type of day. I truly hate those days. I get myself out of the house everyday (or at least try) for a little Vitamin D and Oxygen. Usually a trip to Starbucks is managed so even if my body is tired, I try to awaken my mind. Yesterday, even that outing was out of the question.

So this is a large part of why I don’t work full time. I never know what each day will have in store for me. Some days I am limbered up and ready for action after an hour, other days are like yesterday.

So here I am once again, waking my brain and jolting my body in hopes of adventures beyond my bodies limitations.

Today has got be a better day than yesterday.

Body Vs Mind

So tired, yet can’t sleep
My body fears the bed
Morning brings the pain
The night never dropped
A new day blooms
But sometimes sticks
Another day on the couch
Too many to count
My head heavy on the pillow
My body, just heavy
I rest, yet am never rested
So I wait, and I obey
The body dictates
The mind battles