reach out

Beautifully written.

Words4jp's Blog

there may come a time

when sadness appears ˜

the pain,

the agony,

the tears.

when your world will seem

to be falling apart


overrun with fear.

your frustrations will hound you,

anxieties paralyze you


tears will flood your eyes.

self-doubt & worry

will eat you up;

chiseling away at your pride.

as time slips away,

exhaustion will ensue

and weakness will weigh you down ˜

anything beautiful along your path

will be looked upon with a frown.

you will still have those moments

where the world will look bright ˜

though fast & fleeting it may seem.

you will fall in a hole

where things are twisted & tangled

so tight

you are unable to breathe.

how you decide

to get out of this place

will depend on your strength & resolve.

you may stay where you are

drowning yourself


reach out…

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Not Broken

Body is beaten
Mind twisting images
Fibro flares
Not the end
The beginning
Not defined
Not strong
Not sharp
Not honed
Not broken